Puma is distributed as a tarball (created via 'tar cvz') and can be
obtained via HTTP fro
Unpack the tarball (using 'tar xvzf {filename}') in a temporary
Usually the best place for this type of thing is in your own home
directory or in the /usr/local/src/ directory.
Configuring puma is relatively easy.
There are only a few parameters to configure, and the defaults are
usually acceptable.
Go to the root directory of the unpacked tarball (possibly named
puma-1.0.0?) and you will find configuration script called, "configure".
Run the script in that director by typing './config.pl'.
The configuration script will first ask you where to place the
configuration files.
The default location is /etc/puma, but you can change this to
You can change this to any value, but Puma ahs only been tested under
those two configurations and may still have these two paths hard-coded
into the source as of release 1.0.
The second question that will be asked is where to install the Puma
The default is /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl, but anywhere will do.
You just have to remember to point Perl's library path to that location.
The configuration script will create the file 'config.xml' in the current
You can examine the contents of that file and make any changes beyond the
questions asked in the script.
If you run the configuration script again, it will give you the
opportunity to use the config.xml file instead of the config.base.xml as
a starting point, allowing you to keep any of your custom modifications.
The final step is to run './install.pl'
This will copy all of the files to the appropriate location.
To install and configure Puma's sub-packages, click on the appropriate
link on the left side of the page