Puma::State::DDState - A stateful hash object implemented using Data::Dumper
use Puma::State::DDState;
my $dds = new Puma::State::DDState( Location => 'dir', Context => 'filename', UID => 'ext' );
$dds->{data} = 'Hello world!';
$dds->save; $dds->load;
The Puma::State::DDState object is an implementation of Puma::State::Core object that uses Data::Dumper to serialize the it's data and stores the data on the local filesystem.
The constructor is directly inherited from Puma::State::Core. The object is saved to the file DIRECTORY/FILENAME.EXTENSION.
Loads the stateful object from the filesystem (if it exists).
Saves the stateful object to the filesystem (if it exists). If the directory path does not exist, the object will not be saved and the method will quietly fail.
Returns the filename for the object.
Puma::State::Core(3), Data::Dumper(3)
Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 by Ingmar Ellenberger.
Distributed under The Artistic License. For the text of this license, see http://puma.site42.com/license.psp or read the file LICENSE in the root of the distribution.