Puma::ServerPages::Server - Server object for Puma::ServerPages
use Puma::ServerPages::Server; use Puma::ServerPages::Config qw( getConfig );
my $server = new Puma::ServerPages::Server( Config => getConfig() }
Puma::ServerPages::Server combines various elements from CGI, %ENV and other sources to create an object similar to the ASP $Server object.
The constructor for the $server object takes one of two parameters: CONFIG, a configuration hash as generated by Puma::ServerPages::Config::getConfig(); or XML, a string representing XML content.
for details of these parameters, see Puma::ServerPages::Config.
This method is use by the handler to generate the code that is prepended to any rendered page. This code generates constructors for the session objects, sets library paths, creates the $psp hash and initializes any local variables. It also inserts the startscript defined in the configuration XML.
Details about these configuration options are contained in the Puma::ServerPages::Config(3) manpage.
This method is use by the handler to generate the code that is appended to
any rendered page.
It is the complement to the getStartCode()
method and is used to serialize
session objects and add any endscripts defined in the configuration.
Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 by Ingmar Ellenberger.
Distributed under The Artistic License. For the text of this license, see http://puma.site42.com/license.psp or read the file LICENSE in the root of the distribution.